Thursday, February 18, 2010

I'll fight them as a woman, not a lady!

When we play school in the morning, we sing a couple songs together. Usually taking turns picking them -- Sarah usually picks ones we've sung together before, and I generally pick songs I know Sarah already knows pretty well (although occasionally ones I've recently been reminded of -- ones my mom used to sing to me but which I haven't yet introduced to Sarah, say). This week, though, out of the blue she asked to sing a song she'd overheard me watching on youtube a couple times:

We found the lyrics in my copy of Rise Up Singing, and after our third day in a row we're pretty close to knowing the words without needing to check the book. Too bad there's no more TMcAFS, or I know what we'd be singing at the next talent show! :)

Between this and the recent comments I've heard her making about TV shows or books without interesting female characters, she seems to be developing into quite the young feminist. It does a mother's heart good!

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