Thursday, December 10, 2015

The main thing I'm doing right now is getting off FB for awhile.  The constant shrill headlines, no matter how I try to adjust and manage my newsfeed, are just too much.  When I want to read news I go to news sites -- that's not what I'm looking for when I go somewhere wanting to be social with my friends.

For the moment I'm getting my online social needs met through a bunch of different sites -- goodreads for book reviews and discussions, sparkpeople for folks to check in with for fitness and health goals, mindbloom for GTD lists.  Since I have no friends over at mindbloom at the moment, though, it's not quite what I'm looking for.  I like being companionably chatty throughout the day, kvetching about my task list or celebrating when I've gotten something done.  I tried shifting one of my main support networks off FB but I suspect it's not going to work out. I imagine something will emerge to meet that need for online chatty connection, or else I'll find/create another way to meet it, maybe offline.  

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